How To Fix fuboTV “Too Many Devices In Use” Error Easily

How To Fix fuboTV “Too Many Devices In Use” Error Easily

fuboTV “Too Many Devices In Use” Error: With a fuboTV account, you can stream and record live sports and TV worldwide. On every device, including PC, iOS, Roku, Android, Smart TV, and more, you can watch over 100 channels. You may create up to six profiles after signing up. Each profile will have its preferred channels, recordings, and series.

On fuboTV, How Many Devices Can You Use?

When you sign up for fuboTV, you’ll be able to stream content from two devices simultaneously. If you try to stream from multiple devices, you’ll get an error notice that says “too many devices in use.” This does not preclude you from adding more devices to your fuboTV account. On fuboTV, there are three ways to get around the “too many devices in use” error:

Subscribe To Family Share

You can have three streams with Family Share since you can stream from one more device. On the other hand, Family Share is an extra $5.99 each month.

Subscribe To Family Share Max

It will cost you $9.99 per month to subscribe to Family Share Max. You can stream on up to five devices if you choose this option. The devices must, however, be connected to your Home Network. You’ll also get access to two more streams via web browsers or mobile devices when you’re not at home. So you now have a total of seven screens.

Subscribe To Family Share + Family Share Max

You’ll need to subscribe to Family Share and Family Share Max if you wish to stream on five devices on your Home Network. You’ll also receive three streams outside the home through a mobile device or a web browser, giving you eight screens.

Is It Possible To Share My fuboTV Account?

You can only have one fuboTV account, as previously stated. You do, however, have the option of establishing six different profiles. In addition, six members of your family can share the profiles. To allow for multiple fuboTV streams, all users must be on the same home network, depending on your package.

Is It Possible To Stream fuboTV From Multiple Locations?

FuboTV may be accessed from multiple locations at the same time. To begin, ensure you’re using a streaming device or web browser that’s compatible. If you’re using a Smart TV or another TV device, however, you won’t be able to stream the service in multiple locations.

You’ll get an error if you try to stream fuboTV from two different locations using a Smart TV. It will show that you are watching from too many different locales. Ending the stream on one TV is the only way to end your programming.

Although you may stream from multiple locations simultaneously, you may occasionally experience an error. According to the error notice, you have too many TV devices streaming in various locations. Here’s what you should do if this happens:

1 – Select END THIS STREAM. 


When you receive an error notice, the option to end a stream will appear on your screen.

How To Fix The fuboTV “Too Many Devices In Use” Error

Other options for dealing with the fuboTV “too many devices in use” error include:

1 – Limit the number of devices that are simultaneously streaming. Ensure you’re within your subscription plan. 

2 – Stop streaming from multiple locations using two TV devices.

3 – Check whether other users are streaming live programs from the same broadcaster on more devices than permitted. Consider switching to a different station. Depending on the broadcaster, a maximum of five devices can be streamed simultaneously.

4 – If you suspect an unauthorized person is gaining access to your account, change your password.

5 – Turn off the fuboTV app on all devices that aren’t currently streaming. Consider signing out of all devices as an alternative.

6 – If you’re using an internet browser, ensure you access content from one tab. That means you’ll have to close other open tabs playing videos. 

7 – When streaming on a mobile phone or tablet, you may accidentally lock the home screen. However, this may not be enough to end the stream. Close the fuboTV app first to ensure sure it’s not streaming anything.

If the methods above don’t work, you might want to contact customer service.

The Bottom Line:

You may use multiple devices to watch fuboTV at the same time. However, you may only use the service from three different devices simultaneously. You will have to pay an additional fee to stream videos from multiple devices. You may now watch your favorite shows on your smartphone or tablet from two or more locations. If you’re using a Smart TV, though, you won’t be able to stream from multiple locations with fuboTV.